News & Events


Alfa Wassermann Separation Technologies

2024 - 2025 Congresses

Alfa Wassermann will be present at, or exhibiting at, the following events:


May 7-11, 2024

Baltimore Convention Center
Baltimore, Maryland

American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy

October 22-25, 2024

La Nuvola, Rome

European Gene and Cell Therapy Congress


May 13-17, 2025

Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
New Orleans, Louisiana

American Society for Gene and Cell Therapy


Alfa Wassermann’s Unique Ultracentrifuge Designs Enable Linear Process Scaling

Technical Data

Analysis of product peaks for each run showed similar peak height and width in both the KII large-scale, PKII Pilot-scale and the AW Promatix 1000™ scale ultracentrifuge systems. The peak density was similar in all centrifuge runs.

The figures describe a similar gradient shape across the Alfa Wassermann range of ultracentrifuges. From the figures both scalability and linearity of the particle separations was achieved.

Click below to download the full technical data document.

Download the PDF


Continuous flow centrifugation:

importance in vector scale up

Listen to an interview with Sandra Meriño, Global Project Director, and Scott Glanzman, Director of Marketing for Alfa Wassermann Separation Technologies, talking about the importance of continuous flow centrifugation in vector scale up.

Listen online

Download the transcript


Our Mission

To be the supplier whose singular purpose is the support of bioprocess and pharmaceutical industries by providing expertise in continuous flow UCF separation applications and now fluid handling solutions.

Contact Us


Alfa Wassermann Inc . 4 Henderson Drive
West Caldwell . NJ 07006 . USA

Telephone +1 800 220 4488
Fax +1 973 276 0383


Alfa Wassermann B.V. Lorentzlaan 5
3401 MX IJsselstein . Netherlands

Telephone +31 348 487 300
Fax +31 348 433 000